Friday, October 1, 2010


So guys,

does anybody know if we're going to get another paycheck? I was under the impression that we were still getting a check for our last week of work. Or how do we get copies of our paystubs with the pay periods on them.



  1. i called the warehouse. they said they were having power issues. checks should be in on monday, i think

  2. That sounds like they are holding out for interest on the money since the new financial quarter just started and all the banks paid their quarterly interest payments. If they are getting a whopping 2-3% (since they have more money than you or I who probably get 1.5% on our savings accounts...) then it would greatly benefit them to hold the pay a few days. That is $1500 if you figure 2% on $75,000 in pay. I think that is a conservative guess as well.

    ::images of Patrick and Michele chasing dollars in the loading dock spring to mind::
