Tuesday, August 24, 2010

everyone make a funny face!

From all of us basement dwellers in north cakalak!

Today we nefariously nestled snuggles amongst kesha and jessica alba, hoping that dudes might be tempted into irony. We'll see if it works.

Yesterday we sent a frustrated email to the boss ladies threatening to quit if our projections weren't lowered, and they called us immediately, trying to bribe us into staying. But seriously, this shit is bunk. $10,000 in a day? When at our biggest rush times we can only pump out $1200 an hour? (in case the math isn't obvious, that means a 10 hour rush...) (oh, and did I mention that we're not even on campus? That we're in a basement under the post office where no one can find us...) They responded by putting us on a promotion. We still only made half of our numbers for the day.  However, y'alls internet voices spoke to us all day.  "At least we latched the back of the truck!"  "at least it's not a $40 day!"  None the less, we decided to say "fuck it" to this week and stop trying to grab at the carrot dangling from the stick. We appropriated some zombie playing cards for entertainment.
We locked our keys in the truck day before yesterday, and, thus, out of the sale (whoops), so we took ourselves out to sunday brunch while we waited for the Ryder guy to come (who was bummed when we didn't have the marx brothers poster he wanted). On the brighter side, we have a bunch of buddies in town who bring us bubble tea and give us shoulders to cry on.  We also met two folks on the street corner who are now our new friends and stop by the sale to bring us snacks. Check!

So, is anyone making their 10%? I mean, could we all go on strike and demand a curve (like in high school when the test is so hard that even the A students get Cs)?  That'd be pretty powerful if we all refused to work for a day. what do y'all think?


  1. team 4th place rubiks killers is not hitting any of their projections either. from everyone we've talked to, no one is. we're down for a strike. lets organize.

  2. team raw moms couldn't be more down for a strike - we haven't come within $1000 of our projections out of the 5 days we've been on this sale. we're not optimistic for the future. let's get real.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Team xWild Dick Danx hasn't met our projections yet. We have a lot ahead of us, but I think the numbers are bullshit. I don't mind working hard, but what's the point when there is no real incentive?

  5. Team Wolf Cry has not been able to make commission. The prospect of continuing to get a $15 commission for the day is dismal. We say strike.

  6. Team Zero is pissed as well. Far too much work with far too little pay out due to over-inflated projections. The odds are very much against us though.

    If they were willing to fire the entire warehouse staff days before the inauguration of PT 2010, I'd wager we haven't got a chance. On the other hand...without a fat commission check at the end this job pays less than the federal minimum wage, so who really gives a shit whether they're not hired back next year?

  7. Team Golden Girls finally logging in. We've been reading but haven't had a fucking second to share our voice/misery. Needless to say we are not hitting our goals. We believe in solidarity so keep us posted on plans. We with y'all!

  8. LavaShark, We heard differently about the warehouse workers. Supposedly they all walked out days before our training and BTW ended up hiring new part time people to cover the loss.

    But the big thing is if we all don't work just one day it will lose them over 100 thousand dollars and if it pisses the schools off it will lose them the contracts. We need to announce the threat with enough time for them to negotiate before we stop working, but not so much that they can figure out an alternative to keeping us on the road. We could announce our demands saying that (this many) anonymous teams will stop going to work, so that they can't pinpoint us and replace us as easily. If they're going to do that they'll have to pay (if not us than just to the cosmos).

    We could demand for lower projections, or just a flat rate of a higher salary. 350 a week? Started working for BTW in 2005 and the salary was the same, we should get 500!

  9. Team Wild Dick (at least this half of the team) loves poster tour more than life its self, but we're still down with a strike. I love this job, but it seems broken. Let's see if hitting it fixes the TV.
