Saturday, August 28, 2010

Question: What Will Make Kids Stop Looking at Posters?

Choose your answer carefully:

A:  When it's monsoon season and it starts to rain like a motherfucker and you're scrambling to get all your stuff inside the tent by throwing books around and moving tables? (cos the ten tables BTW gracefully rented for you don't really fit inside the small ass tent they rented for you.  Oh yeah, they also gave us no chairs for our twelve hour sales)

A.2:  When you're soaking wet and your tent is leaking and crap is strewn everywhere and your sale is in complete disarray because of aforementioned rain and any rational person would realize that maybe now is not the time to be asking stupid questions about where the Pearl Jam poster is?

B:  When the posters are under a tarp?

C:  When you're closing and going down the line putting books on a cart, slowly approaching the obstinate straggler at the end who is apparently oblivious to the fact that the goddamn sale is ending?  Alternately, when you leave a cart of books ready to be loaded unattended for more than thirty seconds?

D: When you're stocking and you have a stack of posters on the book next to you, clearly signaling that things are being done with these posters?

E:  When it is so dark that kids have to use their cellphones to illuminate the posters?  (dark, because the sale was scheduled til eight and you've had no time to get lights or anything.  an added bonus is breaking a sale down in the dark)

F:  When you say "Hey yall, we're closing soon, but we'll be here for the next eight days."


In other news, we checked off a few squares:
-Stopped by DOT.  Had to buy some permit.  Pretty uneventful really, why the fuck do we have to pretend we're real truckers?
-Bros buying Snuggles x2
-Someone bought all the fucking Office posters!  What the hell?!
-"This is gonna look great in my bathroom!"  (Rubber ducky poster)
-(Not a  square but it's funny).  White boy buying every black powerish thing we have plus a hot babe poster.

Kicked it with a Cambodian trucker at our motel, he was pretty cool.  Gave us the downlow on all the logbook scams that every trucker does.  Told us in veiled terms about his sketchy life growing up.  Chatted about Cambodia for a minute; he was a kid there in the 70's, which is fucking intense.

In closing, another question:  What the fuck is the deal with Bob Marley???  Do people actually listen to him and think he's cool or whatever or is it just some "college, weed, yeah bro thing."  This is my third year and I still do not understand it at all. 

This is really long, sorry, I'm feeling the insanity coming on....

keep it real everybody,
Devils on the Fucking Loose


  1. Funny, I said that exact same sentence about Bob Marley to myself this morning... I had a thought about quizing people to see if they actually knew anything. Then I realized that I don't actually care at all.

  2. ive been asking people about audry hepburn when they buy her posters. it turns out most people haven't seen her movies and can't tell us anything about her.

    i bet it translates to good ol bob.

  3. same with james dean
