Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bye Bye!


Our run is over. As far as I know, we will be the first team done. Our last two sales were cancelled, so I am on the computer outside JR's (Remember orientation?). I will be sure to get on here to let yall know how the exiting bullshit goes. The fucked up thing is, my partner and I have severe Stockholm Syndrome. We both know fully that this experience was completely fucked, and beyond the wall is run by horrible people, but we are sad to be leaving. We are even considering doing it again.

Stay strong friends, we will be thinking of you in my cardboard recreation of the Rider truck cab we are going to create in our apartment. we have driven far too many miles to give up our chip wagon.

Love yall!


  1. Godspeed.

  2. Chip won't stop calling me wondering where all his trucks went. I tried explaining about poster sales, and even eventually about internal combustion and wheels. He just doesn't get it, poor guy. I'm sure he'll be overjoyed to see one of his children again.

  3. I told him we all took the trucks to california. He's really worried for us.

  4. Hey did they tell you what they're inventorying? Did y'all get a list? Inquiring minds. -team roncha

  5. also, do they ask for the log books?

  6. Why didn't you just take the money?
