Saturday, September 4, 2010

withholding pay

Hi All,

I am the dumbass Michele wrote that email about losing a college because I flipped the posters over and did not remove them.

While that email showed only how nice she can be (and the phone call our team got as well) there is another side to the story about being overworked, driving two hours between sales, Chad giving us bunk directions, and our sponsor not returning our calls and not being willing to go through the posters once we pulled them to make sure.

On top of all that, how are we supposed to make our projections when we have to pull 1/4 of our stock (including Johnny Depp smoking a cigarette, or an Art Nouveau drawing of a woman behind a champagne flute) some of them being our best sellers.

I won't bore you all with the details, but we got a call from Cindy saying we aren't being paid for that day and we aren't getting commission for it either. My contract is at home, but if anyone has a copy of their contract on them, could they check to see if it mentions reasons for having pay withheld?

I am so glad they lost that school. Fuck 'em!



  1. We told one of our sponsors that we were getting paid 4 dollars an hour after commissions and weekly salaries. He told told to not let them rip us off and if they did to let him know.

    Im glad you lost them a school.

  2. Good on both ends, you know? One less school for BTW and one less ultra-conservative school next year's workers have to deal with.

  3. loosing schools yea! im proud of yall.
