Thursday, September 16, 2010


Can any of you veterans out there give some insight to us first-timers as to what to expect upon our return to Strousburg? Log books? Inventory (eek!)? How long will they keep us hostage? How drunk will I have to get afterwards to feel whole again?


  1. we just returned our truck. no log books. have the truck organized poster books at the back of the truck (by the door). have your paper work in order so you to make it easier to settle out with diane. it was actually pretty painless except that we fucked up really bad with our book keeping and had to work it out with diane for an hour and a half.

  2. That's good to hear (save for the bookkeeping error). What was the error?

  3. inventorying?!?! we must know! we heard tell of no inventory checks- can this be confirmed?

  4. The question of inventory wasn't based on any inside knowledge. I was just curious if they would be counting anything since they told us that we'd be held accountable for more than 5% shrinkage. Although, given the shit show that is BTW, I have a hard time believing they have any clue what any of us have anymore. That's why we built a bonfire out of Coexist posters last night.

  5. we bonfired a shit ton of bookmarks and flyers 2 weeks ago. video to follow...

  6. please video! i miss stories cuz im still on the road. boo hoo
