Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's been awhile. But here are some of the past week's highs and lows...

We gave a ride to our helper in Indianapolis who got some free Clash swag. She thanked us for adopting her, it was her first day of college.
Maybe had mild heat stroke at one of our schools.
Hung out at the shadiest Motel 6 ever and won kisses in a game of quarters.
Going to Bible colleges means your books are empty. They told us to never have empty pages in our books but this is impossible when your sponsor tells you that people kissing is vulgar.
Some girl asked me if we sell the music and I told her to go home and listen to The Cure.


Actual exchange:
"Should I get a bookmark."
"Why? I read all the time!"

Other actual exchange by the same girls:
"I'm going to get the brunette." (in reference to the pin up posters)
"No, you're going to get the blonde because I'm blonde."

After this the girl that reads all the time and was bossing her friend around told us that she knows what she's talking about and her friend really does want her likeness hanging on the wall of her room. 

If someone asks me, "How much do the posters cost?" one more time I might take a dump on their chest.

Team Teenage Dream


  1. where's the chapter book, buddies? We waaaaaant it!

  2. also, what does that mean "won kisses in a game of quarters"?

  3. I'm so with you on the "how much do the posters cost!" I'm getting the seething hatred for college kids...

    Also our next school is : "G-rated, PG at most." fuck that shit. that's like three quarters of the stuff.

    -GayBoy from Devils on the Loose, out after gettin drunk with the random, old mail room guy at the school we're at, who apparently comes to the bar at the spot we're staying at. We had a nice chit-chat.
